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War and Consequence




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To regular readers of La Vanguardia Pacifica the recent attacks on the New Pacific Order will come as no surprise. The modern hegemony has tried for two years to force a pseudo-legitimate reason to attack the Order, and after two years of abject failure they have now given up all pretence and attacked for the explicit reason, as noted in their imaginatively titled "everything must die" declaration, of killing what they see as a potential rival (simultaneously making a mockery of everything they said about us and themselves during that time period). But similarly, neither would a regular reader have been surprised by the manufactured war declared against the New Polar Order a few days ago, as Emperor Random Interrupt brought Polaris out of its slump. What we see here, therefore, is little more than pre-emptive strikes on potential political opposition before it can ever actually become political opposition. And this leaves us with some extremely worrying conclusions to draw.

The first conclusion is in what exactly has happened -- the attacks on potential political opposition. While some have tried to make the divine claim to war being 'interesting' or 'exciting', in doing so they fail to see beyond their own noses -- or, in this case, a couple of weeks. This war, if the aggressors emerge victorious, will paradoxically usher in an era where a single entity commands unchallenged and unchallengeable political domination; a situation which can only lead to widespread stagnation, strangling the political lifeblood that sustains our world.

But it is this tied with the second conclusion -- the way the attacks occurred -- that should create real concern within any free-thinking Bobian denizen. The real power of a political hegemony is to set political precedent. Unfortunately the precedent here is to tear down all rule of law and security for non-hegemonic alliances. Whereas in previous eras an alliance could consider itself relatively safe from attack so long as it did not commit a militarily aggressive act, even if it was in political disagreement with the hegemonic power, the precedent being set today means that anyone saying anything deemed to be slightly out of line, or not even doing that, could be destroyed on a whim. Gone would be the days of delicate political manoeuvre and intrigue, entering would be the tedious grind of apolitical absolutism. No longer could you argue a justification for war, or organise a counter-weight to the powerful, for everything outside of the smallest of political cliques would be deemed sport for the entitled few, and no justification would care enough to go beyond 'because we can'.

So this is not a rejuvenation of Planet Bob, far from it: if the Mushroom Kingdom et al emerge victorious then it is Bob's death rattle. The politics that drew nations here in the tens of thousands would be dead, the frequent challenges to power would cease to be, and what little remained would wither and die. It is no longer an intriguing fight for the power of one alliance over another as we have seen in previous great wars, but rather it is a fight for the survival of us all. In this way the Mushroom Kingdom et al are fighting not only for the death of the New Pacific Order, but for the deaths of themselves and every other alliance regardless of political affiliation.

Consequently this war cannot be seen as being one alliance against another, but rather it must be seen as a war between those who want to survive, and those who do not: those who want Planet Bob to go on for years to come, and those who want it to end. If you think that you can avoid this war or its consequences, you are wrong. If you aren't ready to stand up and fight then you are already dead.


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We're criticised when we don't attack people because we make the game boring and we're criticised when we actually start wars. No rest for the wicked, I suppose.

NPO criticising others for attacking the people on the basis that they don't like them or that they are a threat is simply hilarious though.

P.S. "we" means "me and my friends" in this context. I'm actually in GATO and fighting on the side of the Orders at the moment, but not out of any great love for Pacifica, but because of a contractual obligation to my alliance. After we surrender I fully intend to join MK and get in on the fun.

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How did NPO behave any better than MK, or wield power in a way that made the world more interesting? It's all very well for WorldConqueror to blather on about how power is merely a means to an end, but in practical terms NPO had no ultimate objective once it gained world domination. Revenge, I suppose, and rolling people it disliked (both of which MK has done, and rightly so.) Oh and of course the orchestration of Polar's destruction, which no doubt you'll deny. But PB has no cause to roll anyone allied to it at the moment.

And I am not your comrade.

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You have missed the point of both articles and reduced yourself to babbling about complete irrelevancies. It's time to address the predicaments of the present with a view to the future, not wallow in the emotional baggage of the past.

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I think I get it. It's hidden a bit, but I think I can see it. This is a post that speaks to the virtures of the post-Karma days, and hopes that they won't end quite so soon. NPO has finally realized that a hegemonic power structure is not the solution, and deeply regrets the time they spent diminishing the politics of CN. Just as MK will see the devil they have become when they look in the history books, NPO now sees the devil that they were when they look at MK. They can see that while CN prevailed despite their rule, the world no longer has the vitality to sustain another similar tyrant. And lastly they feel a pang of regret for they are partially to blame for creating this new monster.

It's okay Vladimir; you don't need so many words to say you're sorry.

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Whereas in previous eras an alliance could consider itself relatively safe from attack so long as it did not commit a militarily aggressive act, even if it was in political disagreement with the hegemonic power

That's really not true. Several non-hegemony alliances were rolled on wafer-thin or manufactured CBs because people in the hegemony didn't like them. FAN (second time), GPA, Hyperion/MK, NoV ...

That said, I do agree that it is worrying to see that come back. NPO was not such a latent threat that we needed to break all the conventions of politics to kill them off.

I never thought I'd see the day when your propaganda consisted of Aegis lines with the names changed.

Indeed, it is quite amusing, but at the same time that makes the attackers the new Initiative – militarily dominant but amoral.

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