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CN is losing players!



CN had at least 25,000 players at the beginning of last month. I might be wrong about the exact number, but it was at least 25k. Now CN only has about 22k players. We lost 3,000 players in a month! When I first started playing CN, I remember it had at least 40k players. More and more people are losing interest in CN, and I think I know why.

There haven't been any major updates in a long time. When was the last time a new resource, improvement or wonder has been added to the game? The Moon and Mars wonders were added about a year ago, but that's the only big update that I remember. When a game doesn't get updated for a long time, it gets stale and people lose interest in it. When people start playing and see that the game hasn't been updated in months, they think it'll never be updated. The developers need to update the game on a regular basis if they want people to stay interested in the game and keep playing. CN developers, if you're reading this, add something to the game so it doesn't go stale and so people won't lose interest in it. Add a new improvement, resource, wonder, religion, government, ANYTHING. You can say it takes time to add stuff to the game, but you're going to need to add something new if you want people to stay interested in the game. If the number of players keeps falling at this rate, CN will cease to exist!




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i have a idea,maby this is out of hand and impossible but hear(or read) me out

1)have a war map

2)add city's/town that will be in a players sol

3)give the ability to move troops/other military on the war map

i know this is big,but itll bring more people for sure :D

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i have a idea,maby this is out of hand and impossible but hear(or read) me out

1)have a war map

2)add city's/town that will be in a players sol

3)give the ability to move troops/other military on the war map

i know this is big,but itll bring more people for sure :D

Those are pretty good ideas. It would also be nice if you could see how your soldiers look. When you have 0 tech, they're tribals; when you have thousands of tech, they'll have power armor and hi-tech weaponry.

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Or we could stop: beating the crap out of anyone new, making them feel silly for daring to start an alliance before being brainwashed by an established one, making threads with "reasons given in private" etc.

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some new wonders would be nice... maybe some different ones like say the ability to declare a 4th agressive war etc. Stuff unique and new.

Maybe even a wonder that helps you rebuild after a war faster... like a gold reserve that you can pull a 10 mill cash bonus out of once a year max.

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Best way to increase player count: stop these boring blogs about losing players.

Incorrect, I think this is relevant and obviously the subject matter has bored you enough to get your attention. The fact is that CN used to be 28k a few months ago and slowly numbers are dwindling. And the OP is correct, the loss in members has been constant, despite the incentives offered to attract members. So at what stage should this be discussed? This is a good time instead of leaving it until we are under 10k, and admin reach a point where it is no longer feasable to support.

There are two issues to the topic of membership numbers, 1. Retention of current members; and, 2. Attraction of new members. With each of these come a number of different points or strategies to discuss.

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Less idiocy on the OWF and less bickering about the game's rich (perhaps too much so) history.

I've noticed we've also developed a strong metalanguage and expectations which aren't easy to learn. Would a newb know what an ODP is? Would they know that EZI and unconditional surrender are looked down upon? Would they know what the Hegemony, Super Grievances or Francoism are? How does one build a reputation with a clean slate?

For example, I have been in this game for three and a half years, lead 215 member alliance and I bet even the most experienced and active CN players would know who I am. Even if I was as active as all of MK put together, I wouldn't be able to muster the respect that players such as Dilber etc. have, probably because I wasn't around in 2006.

I don't think we can ever change what we've become, but this culture and custom-rich community we have become would make a sociologist &*&^ in their pants. Perhaps if we're still all here in four years, I might be able to do a PhD on us. We'll see.

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The one guy above me is right. CN gets too political and new players don't understand what the older players are talking about. Even I don't understand most of the stuff. They should add at least one new improvement, resource or wonder each month to keep the game from going stale.

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It would be interesting to take the data we wish we had and compare with CN Tournament which has less history and politics. I like the idea of war maps, one of the main things this game has always lacked for me is visual content.

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It would be interesting to take the data we wish we had and compare with CN Tournament which has less history and politics. I like the idea of war maps, one of the main things this game has always lacked for me is visual content.

TE has a great deal of history and politics. It just happens much more behind the scenes then Standard Edition politics does. We've got our won Ivan's and Dilbers, our own Archons and Van Hoo's. We have our drama and our bickering and our rivalries. We have, in short, everything SE does. The one thing we have that Standard Edition players do not have is a lead on studying the decline of our game. We've been watching the numbers in TE fall for rounds and rounds now, and there have been several efforts, public and private, to reverse that decline. We've not been successful obviously. If anyone is interested you can hit me up on IRC (my nick on IRC is Tiberius12).

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School's coming up, casual players drop out, nothing special, and no big loss.

It takes 25 days for a nation to delete, they'd have to have lost interest mid summer for school to affect the numbers at all.

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i have a idea,maby this is out of hand and impossible but hear(or read) me out

1)have a war map

2)add city's/town that will be in a players sol

3)give the ability to move troops/other military on the war map

i know this is big,but itll bring more people for sure :D

The war map idea...

I think it is very doable. Look at how cybercitizens works. The concept could be applied here.

You would move your armies into range of your opponent. Your center of the circle would be where your army is located.

The surrounding circle around the "dot" or "pin" where your army is where your armies range would reach. So to attack an opposing army you would have to have their "dot" or "pin" within your circle.

Navy would work pretty much the same as I stated above.

CMs and Aircraft could have a much larger range in case your opponent maneuvers out of your range.

Perhaps use tech level as the determining factor as to how much movement range similar to cybercitizens you would have.

ICBMs wouldn't be subject to this range factor as they are obviously intercontinental.

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