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Zog's Blog

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Just an ex-dictator, chillin'....

Entries in this blog

Why People Argue on the Internet

Was doing some bathroom reading and happened upon this:   "In an animated conversation I often see the face of the person with whom I am talking so clearly and so subtly determined in accordance with the thought he expresses, or that I believe has been produced in him, that this degree of clarity far surpasses my powers of vision: so the subtle shades of play of the muscles and the expression of the eyes must have been made up by me. Probably the person made an altogether different fac



Wrote This a While Back

I saw a recent blog post about disconnecting oneself from social networks, and thought of this piece that I wrote about three years ago. Hope folks like it.   Living As An iMinority   I didn't realize how marginalized I was until I went to pay my wife's cellphone bill today.   "While you're here, would you like to get some accessories for your own phone?" asked the cheerful counter person. "I'm just paying my wife's bill," I said. "I don't have a cellphone



Fun With Computers

About a year and a half ago I assembled a new PC. Nothing fancy, really, but since it was my first new computer in a few years it was definitely a step up for me. Here's the core of my system then: CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 3.0GHz RAM: 8GB DDR3 1333MHz Drive: WD Caviar Black 500GB GPU: Radeon HD5450 It soon became clear that I'd gone too low in terms of the GPU, so I moved up to a Radeon HD6770, which has turned out to be perfect for the few computer games I play. And then I became annoyed by



Fun Canadian Factoids

Stuck in a doctor's office earlier today, I happened upon an article about what Canadians think of themselves and just how well those opinions match up to reality. I took notes. And so, without further ado, here are some factoids that will hopefully dispel a myth or two, if not among outsiders than at least with ourselves. Sources (according to the article) are noted. Canadians Can't Get Enough Hockey - among children, hockey is about as popular as swimming and half as popular as soccer (Stat



Dear International....

I know many of you are concerned that somehow you're being set up for an attack. I wonder, though, if you realize just how well you're setting yourself up for it? Let me backtrack for a moment. Amid all the bickering between LSF and IRON there was some question as to whether the offending LSF nation had left the AA and applied to INT. I'm not really interested in whether he did or not. What I am interested in is your GenSec's contribution to the discussion: At the time of this supposed appl



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