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I used to post quite a lot on these forums. There were a few reasons for this; the main one being that early in my CN career I was on the winning side of a couple lopsided wars and found myself bored to tears by them. I decided it would be more fun to try the other side, and you know I was right. Probably why I'm still here, but CN warfare against the odds is actually pretty fun. I'm also a fast typer and good at coming up with controversial remarks, especially crazy-sounding but technically pla



For Galerion

I know where your signature image comes from.   You should try to act more like Guts and less like Casca. And realize that Junka is more than a little bit like Griffith.   For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, Galerion knows. Also you can read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Berserk_characters



The Rebbilon

Once upon a time, there was an alliance of sorts called The Rebbilon.   I remember them often these days. If I compare you to them, it probably means you're both amusing me greatly and not very important in the game.   They were an offshoot of a bunch of wannabe spies in the ODN, led by a guy called Pete McAvoy (I think that was his name originally; his only real spying effort I know of was this thread about Polar). Anyway, they were a bunch of anti-ODN rogues, and back then



A small proposal

For the Love of God, Think of the Casualties! Convention Preamble. The undersigned alliances, wishing to prevent the de-escalation of conflicts into peace mode, and the horrifying devastation it brings to casualty counts, proudly commit to the For The Love of God, Think of the Casualties! Convention. Article I. Each signatory joins this Convention individually, as a unilateral solemn commitment to its principles and intentions. This document does not constitute an alliance or pact between th



Long-Term Peace Mode Nations of the Mushroom Kingdom

On January 24th, the Mushroom Kingdom, as a part of Doomhouse, declared war on the New Pacific Order. On January 26th, two days later, a group of alliances countered with the bulk of their higher NS nations in peace mode. At the time of the counter-declarations, the following Mushroom Kingdom nations were in peace mode, and have been in peace mode continuously since then. Infrastructure: 8,999.99 Nation Strength: 67,404.359 Infrastructure: 15,500.99 Nation Strength: 65,616.456 Infrast



The new claim that doving upper-tier nations is bad for the game.

This is dumb. It just isn't, unless you want to argue that peace mode is bad for the game. What's more, none of you guys complained about it when C&G did it in the TPF war. A recap of the TPF war: C&G hit TPF, then we ordered our lower-tier nations into dove, then C&G ordered their upper-tier nations into dove. C&G used exactly the strategy that we've been using in this war, and the reason was that they did not want to fight TOP's upper tier. Just like we don't want to fight



The word surrender.

There appears to be a lot of confusion over what it means. Many people seem to think it just indicates that the surrendering party is defeated. This is not the case. It indicates a transfer of control; the surrendering party gives something over to the conqueror. Here are a number of links to online dictionaries explaining what the word means. Merriam Webster American Heritage Dictionary The Free Dictionary The Free Dictionary (legal) Probably the clearest definition in the military conte



FAN-Legion relations

Yes, you did !@#$ on practically everyone. And I take it from this that you're saying you tried to make it up to everyone. So I guess I missed the delegation you sent to Legion to apologize to them for supporting threats of OOC criminal actions against their members in GWIII?



Progress in the war against NEW

That is NEW's alliance graph. NEW has 69 nations out of 158 in peace mode. Roughly half the alliance is in anarchy, presumably largely due to nukes. However it is clear they are not getting mauled. Meanwhile, FEAR and UFF, the alliances who entered to defend them officially, are getting destroyed. Much as I hate to admit it, at this point it seems clear that the deal PC and iFOK made was sufficient for their ally to win this war. The alliances of International, TPE and Fark do not have the n



The myth of the opposition

The current opposition is too small. C&G was able to unseat the NPO not because of any great foreign policy ability, but because the Superfriends and the Citadel decided to change sides, combined with a large number of boredom deletions among the ruling alliances in the old older. Now let's look at the list of the top 40 alliances and where they sit in foreign policy terms. I'm counting treaties to the three ruling blocs plus Fark and Sparta, as those two alliances tie together a lot of th



Rogues do funny things.

There's a rogue hitting one of our few remaining tiny nations right now. This is from his nation screen. Yes, it appears his soldier count is higher than his supporter count. He must have maxed his soldiers, and then sold infra. Does he not know we can aid soldiers to his target? He may find himself wanting to buy some troops back in the coming days... Anyway I'd never seen a nation with negative citizens before.



Hey Sardonic

I noticed your declarations of war reasons. It looks like it was your intention to quote Harbinger. Was this because he was the guy who lost the war in Mass Effect 2 despite having massive odds in his favour? I'm really not sure videogame villains are who you should be going for as a model, they have a nasty habit of turning up dead.



Hard evidence in the Sedrick case.

I collected the aidscreens, war screens, and spy screens connecting to Sedrick before the alliance war began, and sorted them all in chronological order. That's the hard evidence. It shows that Sedrick was a happy member of TENE, selling tech to Ragnarok, on the afternoon of August 4th. Something happened between 3pm and 6pm; in roughly 3 hours Sedrick has become an MHA applicant and is being targeted by a TENE nation for spy attacks. A bit over 48 hours later, Sedrick responds by launching a



Thinking of quitting?

Want to go out with a bang, but don't want to feel guilty about it? If you've got a fairly big nation, go join IRON or DAWN. You can help Planet Bob while on the way out, no guilt attached.



Hey there, R&R.

Once upon a time, you guys signed a treaty with IRON. The relevant sections follow. Preamble: We, the alliances of R&R and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations (hereby referred to as IRON), sign this pact in essence of orange unification, friendship, and stronger bonds of faith through security, defense, intelligence, and finance. Article I: Mutual Defense A declaration on one signatory through military means is considered an attack on both signatories. A 24 hour notice will be gi



Friendship between nations

This is absolute nonsense. There are plenty of real-world examples of friendship between nations without a treaty. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_of_Friendship_of_Nations http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa...58/p39958-1.php http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa...6/p252366-1.php Please... do a little reading before accusing people of making up terms. There's some academic controversy over this topic, but there's clearly support for the idea of friendship between nations as a p



Disrespecting Marines?!

Since when is it disrespectful to soldiers to use their images in what is essentially a wargame? I'm referring to the apparent controversy over Iwo Jima images being used in an alliance announcement. People might want to look at these: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/33492 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/37875 The same images are used.



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