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The only card I need....

Should've never let me out of the cage.... I see it in your eyes, take one look and die The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be The ace of spades, the ace of spades Motorhead - Ace of Spades: If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say I don't share your greed, the only card I need is The



Some Regrets

1 of 2: My first regret is that I've been out of the loop for so long that I have no !@#$@#$ clue whatsoever what is going on in this war. I mean, I thought I had the gist of it, but everything has changed! Who are these new alliances, how did the treaty web get so jacked up from the last time I looked at it? Who put the bomp in the bomp bomp bomp? WHERE'S MY NURSE? 2 of 2: My second regret is that I wish I would have just stuck to one corner of the web and stayed there. But I've been all over



6 Years

After glancing at the wiki with the intent of updating the forum link, I realized that it's been 6 years and a month since I started playing. There's been so many great times that I can barely remember them all. Despite all the doomsaying, the sea of !@#$%*ing, complaining, and butthurt, (or perhaps, sometimes, because of it) this has been a great community. Thanks to everyone for being your awesome selves!



Rebel IPA Beer Review

Since my last beer review, I've drank many, many, beers. (many, many, beers, many better than this one). However, I'm still capable of putting fingers to keyboard tonight so this is the beer review of Sam Adams Rebel IPA. Head: I don't know what the head is, because I'm drinking it out of the bottle like all good alcoholics should. What kind of dork pours it into a glass, anyways? Body: Balanced and slightly bitter. Nice light and dry taste. Smooth. No after taste. Some-Other-Factors: What th



The Throne of Stone

Or the Quartz Council? The Serpent Slithers, The World Shivers From Slumber, to Consciousness We Awaken Manifestations of Potentiality Finally, a new direction. Something exciting in CN is beginning. Still waters run deep.



Video Software Experiment and Worlds First Motor

Edit: Not nearly as exciting as the title makes it sound. Ha. I did this today. Sort of test run for some future artistic video stuff. It took far longer to make the video, including the "soundtrack" I cobbled together than it did the silly "motor." And the video quality is what you would expect from a phone that is essentially a brick with a gerbil in it. Turns out window's Movie Maker doesn't import mp4s, had to convert it, VLC Viewer kept crashing on the convert, got some crappy probably



O Fortuna

First click on the brief into to the 13th century poem 'O Fortuna', and read the translated version. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Fortuna Then click on the heavy metal orchestra band Therion's version. Following along with the original script to the sound will make you feel like a total badass for the rest of the day. You're welcome.



Higher Reception

Almost every prayer or ritual is either a celebration of, or most usually, an appeal to a higher power. Whether that divine succor is for power to achieve or restore balance, to grant wisdom or vision, or for strength to prevail over the trials and temptations of one's life, it is essentially a begging of a higher source (in what ever form we conceive of it) to grant some of its/their energy to the receptor. Just like with the flow of electrons, in order to accept the flow of a higher potentia



Logic and Emotion

Something that's irritated me for a while is when people try to draw an imaginary dichotomy between 'logical' or 'rational' decision-making and 'emotional' decision-making. Often accompanied by the implication that one is rational while the other is irrational. Or that people are more or less emotional than others, or somehow irrational. Some breaking news, folks, no person is irrational. Barring physical defects or physiological differences that result in clinical insanity or mental impairment



Roadhouse Fountain

I woke up this morning And I got myself a beer Yeah, I woke up this morning And I got myself a beer The future's uncertain And the end is always near. also, Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale is better in the morning at room temp. also, here's a ha ha Here's a great song by the Yeah Yeah Yeah's called Isis set to a college video project that celebrates... uh, torture or something I think. I can't figure it out, but the song is dope. http://youtu.be/riBbeqUpEGA And there's your morning.



Possibly A First

So after re-launching a new nation... ("Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!") ... I decided to try something different. I was tired of alliances. I wanted independence. How long could I survive in a wild world without protection? The easiest way to do this, sans safe mode, I figured was to idle under the radar just biding my time selling tech. And in some sense, why bother building a nation, when only by sneak attacking and having superior numbers can you ever take advantage




Seek and ye shall find. I sought, and I found. My only regret is not having started earlier, but every operator must first be immersed in the despair, driven to the point of breaking, like a piece of work upon the anvil of life that must be struck again and again by the hammer of reality until its shape is bent into usefulness, only until one has been dunked and emerged from difficulty, can they begin to realize that life is a strategy to be devised, a one shot experience, a turbulent sea



Magnetizing A Steel Bolt

So... I did this today. The reason a coil of wire can create a magnet out of a piece of ferrous material, such as this steel bolt in my picture, is because of a very interesting affect of elctro-magnetic fields. When electricity flows through a wire it generates a magnetic field that travels in a circle along the diameter of the wire. When such a wire is twisted into a helix shaped coil, the fields overlap. Now a meta-field travels in one direction along the inner part of the coil and travels



Aluminum Casting

I now present my miniature blast-furnace. It will be used to melt scrap aluminum. It should be ready to be fired in about 4 days once the curing is completely done (it's been 3 now). It is constructed out of a large steel can and quickcrete. As you can see, I sawed a steel pipe with a hacksaw and inserted it in the bottom by punching out and filing a hole in the bottom of the can before filling the can with concrete. By first figuring out the volume of the can, and then subtracting the volum



A Love Story In Two Parts

"Put it in my pancake!" she said, and so i did a rubadubdub with my two-toed stub and now babies of doom are blooming like flowers under the glistening chrome burning gas showers a thousand petals crisp, on command of god's eternal lisp spittle gifts on plastic faces space riffs in elastic underware places pancakes "Put it in my pancake!" She said said said said



Hot Ice

What's the word of the day, kids? Sodium Acetate! You may be familiar with this versatile chemical compound as the ingredient in re-usable winter time pocket hand warmers. But did you know it is also what they sprinkle on potato chips to give it the classic 'salt and vinegar' flavor? That it is, in the dilute trihydrate form, the remains of your science fair volcanoes? Or that it is used as a concrete sealant, or to neutralize sulfuric acid, or retard the vulcanization process? Or, p



Stone Imperial Russian Stout

Stone Imperial Russian Stout Appearance: Beer pours black with a deep tan head of foam. Aroma: Cocoa and coffee flavors dominate, along with some fruity fermentation esters and some yeasty breadiness. Taste: Again, the beer is mostly about roasted malts. Bittersweet cocoa and coffee flavors are the major players, along with fruitiness, hints of anise, and yeastiness, followed by a smooth, balanced, not sweet finish. Palate: This beer is very full bodied, and very smooth! Release Date:



Creating a New Economic Paradigm

Jeremy Rifkin, author and president at the Foundation on Economic Trends delivered an insightful talk about our economic and environmental future and what he calls, the Third Industrial Revolution. ------ This blew my mind. A paradigm shifting presentation. This is the future. I strongly recommend you to take the next 50 minutes to watch this, it is the most profound and exciting look at what is already happening in the EU, and what may come in the US, if we push our political system to m



Mr. O Gets Real

Anybody who knows me knows some very defining attributes about my character, namely, that I'm a fat drunk. Well, not really fat, more like a bit paunchy- but definitely a drunk. A debaucherous animal that caters only to it's carnal whims. A chain-smoking, hard drinking, sexy animal, mind you. (And I can't lie, I've loved every minute of it.) However, the other day I decided to get off my lazy ass to engage in my quarter-yearly act of masochism, otherwise known to the world at large as exercis



Oh you know what today is.

God only knows what they were up to in there... and furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes... reefers. Smoke Two Joints It's not a mic, dude, Pass the Dutchie Ah, $%&@ it, just hand me that brain blaster, I need to take Hits From The Bong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qoCq-KsmZU It ain't no thang, I Smoke Weed Every Day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qoCq-KsmZU Remember, though, home



Beer Review: Ruthless Rye

Today I'm here to tell you about this beer. You should drink it. Also, I've already been drinking it/something/alot/tonight. Thought tonight I'm drinking capt morgan's and samuel adams and listening to ZZ Top. 10 !@#$@#$ DOLLARS FOR A 6 PACK OF SAM ADAMS WHAT A !@#$@#$ CONSPIRACY. !@#$@#$ COLLEGE TOWNS, I !@#$@#$ HATE YOU. CAPS DO NOT EXPRESS MY OUTRAGE! Anyway, on to the real deal. I bought this IPA after careful consideration at the liquer store (careful, as in, I saw something I think I



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