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PS4 Details! System Revealed!

Tom Marvolo Riddle


Today, Sony officially revealed the Playstation 4. Here are some of the details:

  • Enhanced Computer Processor
  • Enhanced Computer Graphics Engine
  • Dualshock 4 Controller includes Share button where you can talk to people about how to beat a mission, get tips, have people take over for you to beat a mission and easily record a gameplay and livestream
  • Playstation Move 1.1 revealed, Much Better
  • 8 GB Memory with a HDD Expansion Availible(166GB)
  • A lot More, Check out the video on Youtube or Something

Now two games(A lot more where revealed but these two I am very excited about) that are coming out on the Playstation 4 are very Big Titles.

The first is Destiny, a FPS game made by Bungie and Published by Activision which takes place somewhat in the future. The game itself is a huge advancement from Halo and the two videos released about it look incredible.

The Second was a much larger suprise and to me was the largest announcement of the evening. Blizzard, a company that makes huge games such as World of Warcraft, announced that one of it's most popular games would be released on console. Diablo 3 will be released on Playstation 4 and the PS3. In my opinion, If Diablo 3 does not become the highest selling Video Game Ever, I will be stunned. With it being so popular on PC, it will undoubtablly be near perfect.

If you have any questions about the PS4, just ask!


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Sony is still trying to sell consoles?

Yes. They are taking Computer components, changing them adding to them and maing them better. Then they are inventing new and innovative ways for them to work more efficientlly with Original Sony Products.

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Because no other video game console in history is composed of "computer components" right?

Oh but these are "enhanced" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Tell me one reason why I should get a PS4 over a Steam Box, a new PC, or, hell, even a Wii U - At least Nintendo is doing something interesting with the new console instead of just pumping as much juice as they can into an old formula. At least it does stuff that I can't do better and cheaper on a PC (at least until their fancy new controller gets hacked). You're telling me that Sony learned nothing from the PS3?

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Because no other video game console in history is composed of "computer components" right?

Oh but these are "enhanced" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Tell me one reason why I should get a PS4 over a Steam Box, a new PC, or, hell, even a Wii U - At least Nintendo is doing something interesting with the new console instead of just pumping as much juice as they can into an old formula. At least it does stuff that I can't do better and cheaper on a PC (at least until their fancy new controller gets hacked). You're telling me that Sony learned nothing from the PS3?

No I am telling you that nothing, even some of todays top computers compare to the PS4, from a marketing and in some cases, graphics standpoint. The enhanced components of the PS4 are simply that. Better Componets = Better System.

As for buying this over a PC, Steam or WiiU is because those are either more expensive or not comparable graphics wise.

Lets take the PC first, OK IF you have a good amount of cash, lets say $600, you take that, you go buy a reall good computer. OK, then, in many cases, you have to get attachments, add ons and upgrades immediatelly. For the sake of this arguement, you get $100 in add ons and the such. Now you have to get High speed internet, Lets say $40 a month.

So your INITIAL PC cost is $740.

Now lets take the PS4. The console price is $300. Now lets add in 3 games, 60 dollars each, we are only up to $540. You then purchase a second controller, adding on tot he one you got witht he console. You are now up to only $600, the price of the PC alone. Then lets add in the $40 for the Internet. So $640 dollars. AND that is if you want the internet AND a Second Controller AND 3 games.

AND I didnt even factor in updates and new accesories OR games for the PC. PLUS you get a more quality product with the PS4.

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Wow you are really buttmad that traditional consoles are on their deathbed.

PS thx for deleting my post comparing Wii U, Steam Box, and PC to the PS4.

Consoles aren't going anywhere. People have been saying this for years and they're still as high in demand as they've always been.

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People still play videogames? I thought everyone was too busy screwing around with farmville and microtransaction advertisements.

On a more serious note, are we really still talking about graphics? This past (current?) generation advanced graphics to the point where I can't really see caring about any extra gains in that department. In fact it will probably only do more to push every representation of a human being in a western-made video game further into my Uncanny Valley, where they've been pretty much since the 360 and PS3 were launched.

Beyond that, what are the selling points? Social media enabler bullcrap? Motion controls? I don't really do social media, and motion controls were stupid when Nintendo did them, they're pretty much always just going to be for gimmick games and kiddy crap. What else? World of Brown and Gray: The Shootening? A port of a half-assed PC game?

If you paid me to do it, I might get a PS4. Odds are pretty good I'll not be bothering.

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Diablo 3 opening sales were a success. As a game it was a complete failure. You can only pull off the con once.

I disagree. The Paranormal Activity creators are rolling in money and continue to crap out halfassed videos with recycled plots.
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I stopped reading at the word "marketing."

I had the unfortunate pleasure to continue, but had a great laugh along the way.

You must be retarded, Winner. You're trying to compare computers to a halfassed console. Many people have proven you're an idiot many different times, but it continues. I have an ANTEC 1200 V3 gaming case for my gaming desktop. To name some features: 13 drive bays and 8 fans. Just the case is better than your console, and it doesn't even come with a motherboard, graphics card, sound card, etc.

Kudos to those that read this before it gets deleted by butthurt OP.

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I still use my original wii. No other console comes close to what I need it for. Which is having something we can play after consuming copious amounts of alcohol and then fall about laughing at each other. We tried to do it with the xbox and rockband but the drumkit turned out not to be very durable and we gave up.

I suppose what I am trying to get at is that graphics, controller ability blah blah blah are not what you really want in a gaming system. What you want is a game that will be fun. The preview of destiny reads like a new HALO. And HALO 1 was just as good as all the other HALOs (which means not at all unless drunk with 4 friends all laughing at the person who just drove a car off a cliff).

So my question is. Will the PS4 actually be fun? Forget all the fancy tech. The Wii did very well not because of the tech (which was all outdated anyway) but because they knew that games had to be fun. And I'm not sinking the price of weekend trip to Amsterdam or Brussels on a games console unless it will be fun.

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Well, you can compare them, but nobody ever said it would be fair.

Hm, point taken. It's unfair to the point that you really shouldn't be comparing them, unless it's a next-gen console vs a desktop PC 2-3 years old.

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We can only hope, Sardy, we can only hope.

@Icewolf: I love the Wii. I hacked mine like 5 years ago. Greatest decision ever. It's really a fun console when you break it open.

Best SNES emulator as well.

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