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The Genius of the Peanut Gallery

Duke Nukem


The Genius of the Crowd:

By Charles Bukowski

There is enough treachery hatred violence absurdity in the average

human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it

and the best at hate are those who preach love

and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god

those who preach peace do not have peace

those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers

beware the knowers

beware those who are always reading books

beware those who either detest poverty

or are proud of it

beware those quick to praise

for they need praise in return

beware those who are quick to censor

they are afraid of what they do not know

beware those who seek constant crowds for

they are nothing alone

beware the average man the average woman

beware their love, their love is average

seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred

there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you

to kill anybody

not wanting solitude

not understanding solitude

they will attempt to destroy anything

that differs from their own

not being able to create art

they will not understand art

they will consider their failure as creators

only as a failure of the world

not being able to love fully

they will believe your love incomplete

and then they will hate you

and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond

like a knife

like a mountain

like a tiger

like hemlock

their finest art


This poem, one that I had read some time ago, really spoke to me on the nature of CN. Take it for what it is, and interpret it's meaning with regards to CN as much as you like, just figured i'd share.


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Whoever wrote this was probably bullied in high school

You're right, he was, on account of his terrible acne and German accent and living south central Los Angeles, but it was probably nothing compared to being regularly beaten mercilessly by his abusive alcoholic father. Thankfully, Charles Bukowski went on to be on of the most well known, prolific and insightful poets and literatist in the modern era. His favorite subjects were alcohol, sex, drugs, and the insight that comes from living a hard life. Him and William S. Burroughs are some of the very best poets the counter-culture had to offer. His work is deep, mesmerizing, often blackly humorous, and contains the profundities of grit and soul.

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You're right, he was, on account of his terrible acne and German accent and living south central Los Angeles, but it was probably nothing compared to being regularly beaten mercilessly by his abusive alcoholic father. Thankfully, Charles Bukowski went on to be on of the most well known, prolific and insightful poets and literatist in the modern era. His favorite subjects were alcohol, sex, drugs, and the insight that comes from living a hard life. Him and William S. Burroughs are some of the very best poets the counter-culture had to offer. His work is deep, mesmerizing, often blackly humorous, and contains the profundities of grit and soul.

This is an awesome account of Bukowski, I had the pleasure of reading a good amount of his works, and can say that while he was probably a drunk, he was quite brilliant.

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