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1000 days of Cataduanes History



My nation got past the 1000 day mark a few days ago, it was an event i shared with my fellow ODNistas but not with CN at large, but i feel almost embarrassed for some reason to post this in the OWF so i thought i would post it here in my blog...

In my time on Planet Bob I have been privileged to have seen and/or participated in some of the major events throughout Planet Bob’s history..I originally heard about Cybernations way back in late February of 2006 while playing NS, I was affiliated to a small defender alliance (UNFR, United Nations of Free Republics) within the Alliance Defense Network or ADN for short, an organization from which ODN is partially descended.

However I did not join the NS migration to CN till 3 months later as I stubbornly held on to NS, however as many an ex-NS player knows that game became a sparsely populated place quite suddenly around the time CN took off. So in May I took the plunge and founded the nation of Cataduanes (which was also my nick on NS), I was for the initial time period unaffiliated and was not on any team (i.e ‘grey’) until a couple of fellow noobs decided to lay waste to my nation; it was at this point I got a PM from Pope Hope who I knew from ADN days (Poper was a pretty senior figure in the ADN) recruiting me to ODN, it was an offer I could not possibly refuse!


And on the 28th May 2006 I registered on the ODN forums and swore the oath to the then NPO emperor, Ivan Moldavi, as was required of ODN members as per the peace terms of the Citrus War. From that point on I was hooked, and had a ball of a time when GW1 kicked off. GW1 was a lot of fun as it was the first major conflict for many members, and I remember all to well my co-ordinated attacks (I hooked up with a GATO member) on two brave Pacfican’s; Lord of the Universe and Federal Dutch Union. However the fun was cut short when the Legion/ODN govt’s decided to accept terms and pulled out of the war (A decision I still think was wrong to this day).

After GW1 i had the pleasure to serve ODN further and even doing a side project (First Popular Front) with a friend from the LSF (Messiah) that led to the unification of the once rival ICSN and ICP (Who under the ICP banner went on to become sanctioned before losing the great wears and fighting disastrous and vicious conflicts with Nordreich / Nordern Verein).

However this ‘Golden Era’ in Cataduanes history (and some would argue CN) was slipping away as GW2 kicked off, for many reasons most of whom still anger me greatly the Orrple bloc chose to refrain from entering GW2 and I watched helplessly as my ICP comrades and my many friends in GATO and NAAC were cut down by the victorious WUT alliances. In my mind the failure to join GW2 remains the most glaring strategic mistake committed by Legion and ODN.

Needless to say the aftermath of GW2 left Orrple isolation, with many of its potential allies crushed or disbanded. And it was amid these shaky times that i continued to serve the ODN to the best of my abilities, and soon enough war came knocking once again as GW3 erupted. To say ODN was outgunned and outnumbered (Hell some would say outclassed as well) in GW3 is putting it mildly yet we all fought with determination and tenacity as befitted the traditions handed down from the Citrus war and despite nearly hitting ZI i continued to try fight until the govt ordered us to lay down our arms and accept peace terms.

The ICP reformation.

The post GW3 era is a familiar one for many of you so I will not labour upon it too much and for me anyway was dominated by the rebuilding of the ODN. However in June of 2007 a number of ex-ICP comrades informed me of their intention to reform the ICP…I was intrigued to say the least and in late June I joined the ICP which announced its re-emergence publically on the 1st July 2007.

To say the ICP(2) had potential is an understatement, it gathered the many scattered leftists and on the 4th July it possessed a respectable 55 members and had a NS strength of 451K. One of the key things about the reformed ICP was the great lengths the ICP leadership went to ensure that both NPO and NoV (In particular NoV’s infamous leader, Kaiser Martens) were onboard with both former enemies of the Communists giving their blessing, but ICP was unable to get anyone to provide a crucial first treaty yet despite that glaring diplomatic weakness the project went ahead with the business of forging a community.

However on the 5th July NoV leader reneged on its agreement and in conjunction with a FAN splinter group called The Golden Sabres mounted a surprise attack, catching the ICP totally unprepared. In addition NoV called in the support of its then ally IRON asking it to sanction all ICP members on the Orange team which included all the top 10 members of the ICP (Commies have a long history on the orange team) including my own nation which was 14 days into a tax saving cycle, the sanction meant no trades which also meant huge losses in my saved up taxes. To say I was angry is too weak a way of describing it, I have rarely felt such rage in RL let alone on the interwebz biggrin.gif and besides it crippled my ability to fight effectively which was even more frustrating.

Anyway the ICP reformation war lasted a mere two and half days with ICP accepting to disband and pay reps. It meant that the various Commies, Anarchists and Socialists were once again were scattered across Planet Bob…I paid the reps (somewhat reluctantly) and reapplied to the ODN alongside some fellow ICP refugees.


But it was to be a short stay in some ways with CN’s commies determined to regroup and take revenge on NoV, this led to the formation of the CPCN which was partly born out of ex-ICP refugees who joined the LSF. However CPCN’s main protector LSF found itself attacked by NoV leaving only the Socialist Empire (SE) as the last remaining protector.

My own feelings on the CPCN following the loss of the LSF was to try help them, and I lobbied hard for them here in the ODN but I soon realized that my own talents could really help the CPCN from within so I duly tendered my resignation from ODN and applied to join the CPCN forming part of the Finnish Commie clique that was somewhat at odds with the then Party Chairman Demokratikos.

Demokratikos and leaders of the SE viewed the Finnish Commie clique as not Marxist-Leninist enough for him and he soon mounted a coup against what he saw as a dangerous ‘reactionary’ presence. The infamous coup however was soon countered by the vast majority of the CPCN members who rallied around Finnish Commie and moved to a new forum leaving Demo and 3 loyalists on their own and they eventually acknowledged the inevitable and abandoned the CPCN moniker.

However the coup also meant the cutting of links with the SE leaving the CPCN with only one ally, TCB, who had supported the FC clique…and one other friend, ODN who verbally supported the FC clique. Into this post coup landscape I was appointed to be the Foreign Affairs Commissar and together with Finnish Commie, JustinG and others i worked hard to secure treaties with ODN, TRF, GATO, TCB and entry into OUT.


However as is always the case in CN war was never far away and the CPCN’s links with GATO led to a dangerous crisis as GATO were found guilty of an infringement of peace terms from GW3, and soon enough amid much discussion, recrimination and gnashing of teeth the GATO-CPCN MDP was dissolved earning the CPCN much criticism both externally and internally. As I was one of the prime architects of the GATO-CPCN treaty I had cultivated extensive links with a large number of GATO members and this prompted me to join 5 other CPCN members (Commie Volunteer Force) to join GATO in its hopeless fight.

We were welcomed with sincere gratitude by GATO and we soon forged real bonds amid 9 or so weeks of incessant and brutal warfare. The first two weeks consisted of efforts to merely stave off enemies who outgunned and outnumbered us hugely, by the third week after infra losses saw our NS levels drop we found ourselves outclassing much of the enemies in our range by virtue of our still superior tech levels and this led to a GATO counter offensive that earned the respect of many of our individual enemies. The counter offensive certainly steeled us for more fighting but it was an increasingly uneven battle as One Vision nations continued to receive aid while our own pools of resources grew ever smaller.

Eventually however as our calls for peace talks were continuously spurned we believed that the GATO-1V war would be one of extermination and despite a high member count our collective morale was beginning to fray at the edges, we were by the ninth week exhausted both in terms of our nations capabilities but also in terms of spirit and many were resigned to PZI. However in the ninth week just as we lost all hope the New Pacific Order offered terms which included the surrendering of executive power to a Viceroy and the dismantling of GATO’s constitution and its democratic institutions. The terms of surrender were put before the GATO membership who voted overwhelmingly yes amid an overriding sense of sadness as the democracy we fought so hard for was at an end.

Going Home.

With the war at an end the remaining commie volunteers (just three of us made it to the end, Che, RedRaider and myself) having paid the debt of honour owed said our goodbyes to our GATO friends whom we fought and bled alongside for nine long weeks and I applied to return to my ancestral home on Planet Bob, The Orange Defense Network, to find it in very different circumstances from when i last left the Network.

So there you have it, this is my nations story so far, so thank you Admin for providing some of the best of times and some of the worst; its been awesome :D, I look forward to another 1000 days and can only wonder what I shall see in the months ahead.


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