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Survivor 9




You know what I realised the other day? It's nearly been a whole year since our last edition of Survivor, and that's completely bloody well unacceptable. It's like Greece going a whole five minutes without a financial meltdown, or Rick Perry getting through a debate without making a gaffe, getting booed at by the crowd, or doing some third thing that I don't feel like thinking of.




But seriously, next time, someone smack me upside the head before we get anywhere close to this point. You know why we haven't had any wars? Because I haven't been making Survivors for you lot to muck around with. That and you've gotten so used to blue balls due to lack of Survivor that you're scared by actually going through with it.

So, you lot, we're starting one on November 20th. It will involve the top 90 alliances. If you're not there, then get there. Pronto. And if you spent any time at all looking at the logo, you'll notice the word "tech" horribly re-fonted on there. Oh yes. Tech. Islands of tech. Whoever wins will go down in history as the most techwhoring alliance that the rest of us tech-deficient wannabe-techwhores have ever seen.

Umbrella, you're welcome. Don't disappoint.

Here's how it'll work:

  • Each round will consist of three "tribes".
  • Each tribe will have six alliances each.
  • Each round will last a total of five days.
  • At the end of five days, whichever tribe has gained the most tech moves on.

Sound simple? Of course! Which means it's way too simple for my liking.

You know what would be awesome? If we made this into a super-authentic Survivor and voted people off the island. Sadly, I'm not going to organise a vote of the winning tribe to see who gets voted off and flown back to glorious civilization. So I'll do the next-best thing.

  • The bottom two alliances from the winning tribe are thrown into the fire-pits.
  • The top alliance from each losing tribe will take their place, and move on to the next round.

So, on November 20th, we'll take 18 alliances - those ranked 73 through 90 - and divide them into three tribes. Random selection. Come November 25th, whichever tribe has gained the most tech moves on to the next round. Except for the bottom two. We feed them to admin. The top tech-gainer from each of the two other tribes will take their place.

Round 2. The winning tribe from round 1, plus alliances ranked 61 through 72 - those twelve additions are randomly sorted into two new tribes. Rinse. Repeat. Until you get up to round 7, and we've included everyone.

How to win? At the end of round 7, six alliances move on to the championship round. Same method as before - four from the top tribe, and one from each of the losing tribes. At that point; every man for himself, and whoever ends up on top after five days gets to rub it in everyone else's faces until they get bored and find something new to gloat about.

For those who want to plan ahead, rounds will take place as follows:

  • Round 1 (73 - 90): November 20 - November 25.
  • Round 2 (61 - 72): November 25 - November 30.
  • Round 3 (49 - 60): November 30 - December 05.
  • Round 4 (37 - 48): December 05 - December 10.
  • Round 5 (25 - 36): December 10 - December 15.
  • Round 6 (13 - 24): December 15 - December 20.
  • Round 7 (01 - 12): December 20 - December 25.
  • Championship Round: December 25 - December 30.


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this will give RIA a chance to show off the fact that we somehow actually import a good deal of tech. before i got to the part about how it would be a tech contest i was going to suggest tech.

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Heh, (almost) all of our slots are synced, and our tech day happens to fall during the dates for the 61st-72nd round. But if we advance, we'll probably end up importing pretty close to zero tech during the next round of the competition.

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Heh, (almost) all of our slots are synced, and our tech day happens to fall during the dates for the 61st-72nd round. But if we advance, we'll probably end up importing pretty close to zero tech during the next round of the competition.

Given that this might affect some alliances, would it be possible to adjust the dates so that each set has ten days, with overlapping competitions for tribes? I don't want to make it too hard or anything, but it seems to make sense.

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Heh, (almost) all of our slots are synced, and our tech day happens to fall during the dates for the 61st-72nd round. But if we advance, we'll probably end up importing pretty close to zero tech during the next round of the competition.
Given that this might affect some alliances, would it be possible to adjust the dates so that each set has ten days, with overlapping competitions for tribes? I don't want to make it too hard or anything, but it seems to make sense.

Unless you make the set 30 days, it won't help anyone.

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Heh, (almost) all of our slots are synced, and our tech day happens to fall during the dates for the 61st-72nd round. But if we advance, we'll probably end up importing pretty close to zero tech during the next round of the competition.
Given that this might affect some alliances, would it be possible to adjust the dates so that each set has ten days, with overlapping competitions for tribes? I don't want to make it too hard or anything, but it seems to make sense.

I thought about making each round ten days, but decided against it for two reasons:

  1. It would make this entire thing way too long. Three months just isn't cool.
  2. I'm guessing that after a fairly short time period, it will become evident which alliances are going to move on. I feel that extending each round to ten days will only cause people to get bored, as they'll just be waiting to see how much certain alliances can run up their score, rather than seeing who will advance.

* - That being said, if it turns out that five days isn't enough time, I reserve the right to extend the length of the following rounds. If I do so, I'll give at least five days notice.

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I thought about making each round ten days, but decided against it for two reasons:

  1. It would make this entire thing way too long. Three months just isn't cool.
  2. I'm guessing that after a fairly short time period, it will become evident which alliances are going to move on. I feel that extending each round to ten days will only cause people to get bored, as they'll just be waiting to see how much certain alliances can run up their score, rather than seeing who will advance.

* - That being said, if it turns out that five days isn't enough time, I reserve the right to extend the length of the following rounds. If I do so, I'll give at least five days notice.

Yeah, there's really no fair system that wraps it up in a reasonable period of time. Not complaining; I'm kinda looking forward to it, because if we manage to survive the rounds where we're not importing (if a couple alliances in the group lose members, as an example, assuming I'm reading the format correctly), the stop-start nature of our tech system might get us further than we otherwise would.

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Tech survivor: what is the alliance that gets the most tech per nation per 10 days that's not Umbrella?

Seriously, Ella is just incredible.

I also recently did a count;

unless you can find some other candidates; MK seems to be the alliance below Umbrella. Arnes has been doing an incredible job for our alliance, and he's improved much and much of the problems we've had traditionally.


MK-> Observed ~50 per nation, 77 predicted based on slots usage

GOD -> 55 predicted based on slots usage

BN-> Observed 44 per nation, 55 predicted based on slots usage

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