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The evils of Viceroyism



We study history to learn, and improve, ourselves, and our alliances, and the cybververse. In our studies we have always noticed that the NPO inflicts the cruelest, most inhumane punishments on its conqured foes.

What iare these punishments you ask? It is simple. Most aliances, having declared their victory, simply ask for reparations. The most honorable alliances (such as those of the CoaLUEtion) ask only for an apology and peace to the turmoil. But no, glory hogs such as the NPO and their lackeys have to drag defeated alliances and countries through the mud for months and even eyars on end. Unconcianable reparations are demanded, to include cash and even tech!

But these atrocities do not stop there. No, the NPO has to install a "viceroy" (an evil dog sicced at the defeated alliance, like a brokena nd defeated man who is to then be ripped to shreds by his victorious opponent). Waht is the function of this facetious demon you ask. It is to go OFF SITE, in a CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE TERMS OF SERVIC, and install himself as the DCITATOR of the defeated alliances' forums. He then takse complete controlo f tthis alliance (for however long the NPO decides, the victim has no right to negotiate here) and effectively runs it into the dir tby forbidding new recruits and enforcing ridiculous repayments to the NPO.

These villians also took care to post the REAL LIFE video of a gentleman who was also wronged by the NPO. This is the lowest of th elow that has been sunken to, by Pacifica, or any other:


So I ask you, at what point do the atrocities stop? Can we really sit by while innocent players have their personal information and images plastered everywhere for the NPO's entertainment?

This is how NPO amassed their vast fortune. So do not look to them with admiration, look to them in horror as you ralize that their #1 position comes from fighting unfairly (using spies) and by completely ravaging defeated alliances. What is astonishing is that these acts are permitted to continue. When will the cybververse learn its lesson????


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