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Enter My Killzone



I can't help but feel that a lot of us have forgotten the simulation of war in this game. Seriously, come on here, we have some wannabe hard-asses running around talking about war, but they won't do it. They will raid because they don't remember war, instead. I'm getting tired of all this peace, which if not to prepare for war, then what's the point? I'd rather be ZIed and forced to restart then to continue with this boredom the majority of people won't admit is illogical of the game. These are the same people who will claim to be professionals in CN, which I find hilarious.


I posted a new Killzone tag wall on deviantART. It's just a collection of newer Killzone signatures.




For the first sig wall...




And if you're trying to make a new sigs, I've got a tutorial up, if you want to try. I'll teach you to make the following.

airgearn.png [CLICK]Tutorial+PSDs[/CLICK]acflight.png

Thank you very much for viewing, and reading, it's appreciated!,


Edit: I'm accepting requests, just post below or PM me. Whatever you need graphics wise and the more information you provide, the better. I'll see what I can do.


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It doesn't help that the war is never as interesting as we imagined it would be in peacetime.

No, but it's definitely better than back-collecting forever, and they sure do give us something new to talk about.

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so wait, you are part of an alliance whose only claim to fame was being tech-raided by Athens... If you want war so badly, get off your hypocritical ass and start one. Otherwise, stop acting like you are kewl by calling everyone else out for something you are obviously too cowardly to do yourself.

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so wait, you are part of an alliance whose only claim to fame was being tech-raided by Athens... If you want war so badly, get off your hypocritical ass and start one. Otherwise, stop acting like you are kewl by calling everyone else out for something you are obviously too cowardly to do yourself.

I think it's hilarious that you can say that, even though you have no idea what I'm doing, or what you're talking about. Athens was one of those "wannabe hard-asses". They just went off the hinge that they could do as they please, but unknowingly this alliance had treaties existent from years past.

Another thing, I just returned to the KofN, for a reason. I won't bother to listen to anything else your hypocritical self has to say. Am I hypocrite as of now? Sure I am, but I won't let my single beliefs, jeopardize the good of the majority. Ask those who have gotten to know my perspective, it has been unfaltering since day 1, 5 years ago.

It's easy to comment on something you're oblivious to. Nice job, imbecile prick.

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How am I hypocritical when I was not the one who posted a blog to call every single other person out for not starting a war, while I sat back and did nothing to start a war? That was you mate. I am not oblivious. I have never heard of you which means you have most likely not done much to start wars in the past.

And then you even go on to state you are a hypocrite, like I called you out for being... And yes, you are a coward since you again want others to do something you won't do yourself. From your reply: "I think it's hilarious that you can say that, even though you have no idea what I'm doing, or what you're talking about. "

From your reply to me: "Am I hypocrite as of now? Sure I am, but I won't let my single beliefs, jeopardize the good of the majority."

How am I oblivious? I seemed to have called you out damn near exactly... From what I could tell, you are not planning on doing !@#$ except whine since you won't "jeopardize the good of the majority" which means you also are afraid to go rogue.

As for Athens- say what you will bout them but they have done more than their share of starting stuff versus anything that KofN has done.

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How am I hypocritical when I was not the one who posted a blog to call every single other person out for not starting a war, while I sat back and did nothing to start a war? That was you mate. I am not oblivious. I have never heard of you which means you have most likely not done much to start wars in the past. And then you even go on to state you are a hypocrite, like I called you out for being... And yes, you are a coward since you again want others to do something you won't do yourself. From your reply: "I think it's hilarious that you can say that, even though you have no idea what I'm doing, or what you're talking about. "From your reply to me: "Am I hypocrite as of now? Sure I am, but I won't let my single beliefs, jeopardize the good of the majority."How am I oblivious? I seemed to have called you out damn near exactly... From what I could tell, you are not planning on doing !@#$ except whine since you won't "jeopardize the good of the majority" which means you also are afraid to go rogue.As for Athens- say what you will bout them but they have done more than their share of starting stuff versus anything that KofN has done.

Let me explain something to you... I have other things to do, then to go seek the wars. I'm just calling it how I see it, and how many other see it. You want to call me a coward for that? Go right ahead.

You're hypocritical for your ignorance, which is still being shown. What I did, doesn't matter, because again... since day 1, I never asked for praise or gloated once about any achievement I did. I never claimed to start anything, or made any promises. You don't know that. Why you want to make it about that, is astoundingly stupefying.

You weren't around when the KofN started, and you don't know what we went through back then, why I left it, or anything else, including why I'm there now. Afraid to go rouge? No, but I also won't fold to peer pressure, which you're clearly exemplifying.

Athens has done much? I never said they didn't do anything. Athens was always a fine alliance to me, I've always thought they were cool. They had an embassy on our forums, before the raid, and TLR has one now. Again, you don't know what.

Am I a coward? Let me be, for I have other more important things to attend to, then starting a conflict personally. Call me a hypocrite, I did say I was. Call me unimportant... I never said I was. One more thing... congratulations for amassing everything based on nothing. So keep pushing crap, I couldn't care less. But I do enjoy denouncing everything you say.

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Heh. You are amusing. Let me see what we have here.

1) I claim you are a hypocrite. You claim to be a hypocrite. I win that argument.

2) I claim you are a coward. You basically say you are one. I win that argument.

3) I claim you have done nothing in your whole existence. You basically state I am right. I win that argument.

4) You claim I am ignorant of you yet look at the 3 points above. You lose that argument.

5) You claim my arguments are based on nothing. Again, look at the points 1-3 above. You lose this argument as well.

6) You claim I am a hypocrite for being ignorant. Again, look just look at points 1-3. Everything I have claimed you to be, you have stated you are. You lose this argument as obviously I am not as ignorant as you are attempting to make me out to be.

So based on just those 6 points, you have done nothing to denounce anything I have claimed. Quite the contrary, you have supported and corroborated everything I claimed you to be. Which also means I am not ignorant since the 3 things I claimed you to be are true. Which means you are far more ignorant of me than I am of you.

So please keep fling crap like a monkey does because it is quite amusing.

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Congratulations, on being completely unnecessary, again.

You are ignorant and your arguments are based entirely on presumptions. You're presuming just about everything and acting is if you literally know the things I do. This is what an ignorant person does. If you cannot accept your ignorance, oh well. I haven't said a single offensive thing to you, besides the truth, which I'm sorry if you feel offended by. Your initial comment was that of an imbecile prick. You're continuing it because, for whatever reason, you cannot see the rationality, here. You've also gone far from the point... "I'm just calling it how I see it, and how many other see it. You want to call me a coward for that? Go right ahead."

So, you want to attack me directly? Go right ahead. It's amazing to me how you will not back down, "These are the same people who will claim to be professionals in CN, which I find hilarious." It's truly bewildering.

What exactly are you still arguing for? You're probably the only person really taking offense here, judging by your rampant whining, of my generalization. I can't tell if you're seeking personal gratitude, or to prove to no one, you're an imbecile prick, in reality. (No, that doesn't mean real life) I'll say it again, you don't know what I've done, where I've been, or really anything at all about me. To act like you do, is to stay in bliss, and if you don't know what means, that's extremely unfortunate.

Am I whining? Sure I am. Oh wait! Isn't this my blog? I mean, instead of taking the topic, "WHINING", I took the consideration to put MY views into a blog. MY VIEWS INTO MY BLOG. Perhaps, caps-lock isn't enough for you. As for your so-called points... You want to claim you win an argument I'm not having. Do you even see the transformation abounded? I can admit when I'm wrong, and I'm not, in my blog. Your inability to reasonably argue, ergo envision my denouncements, shall forever be your reckoning.

So, lastly, go ahead and take personal shots at me, at my alliance, and whoever else you want to.

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I called you out for calling everyone else out. You started crying over the fact that I did just what you did. I am only continuing because you are so damn amusing right now. You took offense over me calling you out and you continue to take offense. I don't presume to really know anything actually. I only presume to know 3 things.

As for this being your blog, you put it up wanting others to react to it. Otherwise you would not have made it since it is public.

I am simply doing to you what you did to everyone else. I cannot help it you seem able to dish it out but unable to take what you dish.

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All that you have proved is that you're capable of being a want-to-be hard-ass. I'm not calling anyone out. This is why you're an imbecile prick - TAKE IT TO THE HEAD. That's why you got upset by what I typed out up there. I haven't been crying because believe it or not, you have utterly stammered me, by finally not trying to convince me, that you're not ignorant. It must be a miracle. Now, saying my generalization was calling everyone else out is overwhelmingly like saying Cain didn't kill Abel. Fairly, you want to make it about my blog being public, whereas it's my personal view - and I didn't call anyone out, but made a generalization, an observation more-so. "TAKE IT TO THE HEAD" - there is your problem.

What makes you think I'm offended seriously dazes me - Scroll upwards and reread everything I've written. Nevermore has rested a hint of me being offended. "I'm just calling it how I see it, and how many other see it. You want to call me a coward for that? Go right ahead." I'm open to debate on what I said, but you didn't call me out, instead you insulted me. There is a difference, and I haven't argued anything, but clearly exemplified your self-inflicted ignoramus-pluralities regarding what I said.

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"I can't help but feel that a lot of us have forgotten the simulation of war in this game. Seriously, come on here, we have some wannabe hard-asses running around talking about war, but they won't do it."

That is calling people out.

"I'd rather be ZIed and forced to restart then to continue with this boredom the majority of people won't admit is illogical of the game."

That is calling people out.

"These are the same people who will claim to be professionals in CN, which I find hilarious."

That is calling people out.

I never claimed to be bored. Nor have I claimed to be some hard ass. Instead, I did unto you what you did unto others. You got butthurt and lashed out. I have not insulted you as even you have stated you are basically a coward. You won't start something despite your claim of boredom and your wish to rather be ZIed and forced to restart.

Since then, you have continuous insulted me and continue to lash out like a petulant child. If you did not want to be called out, then don't call out others.

I gathered you are offended simply by the sheer amount of times you claim I am ignorant while supporting the only 3 claims I ever made. And yes reading you coming up with excuses about why you cannot possibly do what it is you want others to do is quite amusing.

As of now, I am barely scanning what you are actually posting as they will inevitably say the same thing.

Though seriously, "self-inflicted ignoramus-pluralities". Man, I love the pseudo-intellectuals like you.

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"Though seriously, 'self-inflicted ignoramus-pluralities'. Man, I love the pseudo-intellectuals like you."

It's a magic trick. Psedo-intellectual - No, I like to write, actually. Short stories, mainly, where I try to teach a lesson efficiently. It cannot be done in childish words... so yes, excuse my pseudo self.

I am not calling anyone out. You must be missing the point in this, which is "I can't help but feel that a lot of us have forgotten the simulation of war in this game." Now, think this through. Think back to elementary school, when they taught you how to write a paragraph. You generally start with your main idea, then emphasize. So, then what do we have? Hard-asses - check, 1-night raiders - check, long term peace - check, majority won't admit it - check.

If you are so inclined, then re-read another portion: "I'd rather be ZIed and forced to restart"

Once I am ZIed, then I will restart.

Where am I actually calling anyone out? Your above post isn't really backing anything. I proved my point and you were offended, hence acting like a hard-ass. - Calling me a hypocrite, coward, unimportant, and everything else.

All you did is insult me for my opinion, like a lackluster miser, if anything. I don't have a problem with you and I agreed with you a lot. What is it that you were trying to accomplish?

" stop acting like you are kewl by calling everyone else out for something you are obviously too cowardly to do yourself."

I wasn't trying to and you know the rest.

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Sure you were, now you are backpedaling. You whole first post talks about others. Sure, in the first sentence, you state "us" which means you include yourself in those who have supposedly forgotten the war simulator portion of this game. Then you begin to discuss others. The raiders, the "professionals", the ones who won't admit that boredom is illogical.

You dress it up all pretty like, but it is what it is. If you are so bored and want war, then YOU need to do something other than write a blog complaining about it. You state raiders have forgotten what war is, but honestly raiders are the ones who actually remember the war simulator.

So yes, I called you a hypocrite and a coward and unimportant. None of which is actually false. But continue on doing nothing but complain. I am done with you as I don't deal with people who whine and call people out, then cry when others call them out.

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Call it as you will but it was just a blog addressing an issue that you clearly took to the head. Be proud of what you've said even though you don't know me at all. I'm sorry you don't know me and I'm sorry that you feel I am a hypocrite, a coward, and unimportant. I will just continue about my business, however, because sorrow is all I can offer here.

As for dressing it up all pretty... It's just what my teachers taught me in school.

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