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Hi people. Shameless plug here. I've created a suggestions post here for some low-cost high-reward stuff that admin could do. A bump & 5 stars would be great -- hopefully it gets acted on in some regard!


Senny in Ads

Miscellaneous stuff

Heya! It's Wory again, apparently looking to spam the blog front page with meaningless drivel that is probably significantly less important than the mod stuff (although, tbf, y'all've had over 40 aid cycles worth of time to read them, that's plenty lol). I'll hopefully make up for it in quantity, though. History: I, um, spent like an hour one day reading that stuff and haven't gotten back around to reading more. Someone please yell at me to keep going and learn about stuff that happened after



First Post

Hello! I'm Woryand, and I've been playing CyberNations for a year and a half or so in IRON, NPO, and most recently Sellswords. I've recently gotten unhealthily obsessed with this game, so I decided to create this blog to occasionally comment on a bunch of random stuff I've been thinking about (probably better than spamming up my friends' dm's about them, anyways), which will probably be mostly related to CN but maybe a bit of other stuff too. Doesn't seem like any players have created any blogs



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