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About this blog

It's no secret that this world is beginning to dwindle, and the end of tines is close. The question is, how do we go about stopping it? We've tried shaking it up, we've tried leaving it be, and yet the game continues to die off.


This gane needs new blood, and an active admin. But we can't expect admin to suddenly ly get active now that the game is dieing, he has even less incentive than he did before. So it falls onbus, the players to bring this game back to its former glory, or into a new chapter of its existence. So, how do we get a mass recruit ofnplayers? Is there a way? Or do we fade out with a whimper, a decaying and decrepit thing? Do we wait until the lights go off, and them reminisce about how great a game it used to be? If so, can we really blame ot for dying, when we sat back and watched it unfold?

Entries in this blog

The world as we know it

It's no secret that this world is beginning to dwindle, and the end of times is close. The question is, how do we go about stopping it? We've tried shaking it up, we've tried leaving it be, and yet the game continues to die off.   This game needs new blood, and an active admin. But we can't expect admin to suddenly get active now that the game is dieing, he has even less incentive than he did before. So it falls on us, the players to bring this game back to its former glory, or into a



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