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About this blog

Once known as the Death of Politics, the blog was my attempt at analyzing how to strengthen the politics of Bob. Now, I am broadening the scope of the blog's name, and will be addressing other topics/issues.

Entries in this blog

Conclusion I: Problems

Conclusion I: Problems   I’d like to begin by thanking General Kanabis for his contributions to this particular post, which is a collection of many of the points raised by myself and others. I also reached out more broadly to various government members and will give some small summaries on additional areas of concern. Some additional special thanks need to go out to those that I've discussed these problems over the years. (Lord of Darkness, Lowsten, Alexio15, Canik, Lord Windmark, Osra


Tevron in Conclusions?

Case Study: Ex-Moralists

Case Study: Ex-Moralists   And so we’re in what may be the final alliance sphere topic: Ex-moralists. Sometimes called Ex-AFM, or the old-beer-o-sphere minus XX. Ex-SF, etc. As you can see, the first and easiest criticism of the sphere is that they are not known as anything in particular, but rather are referred to as what they once were. In recent years, no one has referred to the “Chestnut” sphere or anything similar to that. How could this smattering of alliances be responsible for


Tevron in Category Name

Case Study: Cobrasphere

Case Study: Cobrasphere   Lo and behold, we have reached the third case study. This time featuring Cobrasphere. It’s key to note that in the case of Cobrasphere and RFI, they both did not exist when this supposed stagnation was cemented. However, they both bear considerable responsibilities with regard to the state of current foreign affairs. I covered RFI last time, so I’ll cover Cobrasphere now. They are primarily low tier nations and are the most dominating force in that area. They


Tevron in Case Study

Case Study: RFI

Case Study: RFI   The second blog post of case studies to discuss why the political game is/has been dead. This time I will spotlight my own bloc, Roll For Initiative (RFI). RFI consists of GATO, Legion, CLAWS, FTW & Argent. What makes this scattering of alliances at all responsible for the political scenario we find ourselves in? Well, I’m glad you read my rhetorical question and thus were forced to literally ask.   First and foremost, the criticism against RFI that is m



Case Study: Oculus

Case Study: Oculus     And so I’ve decided to return to blogging about the politics of Planet Bob because there’s something that’s been bothering me a lot lately, which is that people don’t seem to fundamentally understand the political situation from the perspectives of various alliances, especially not those they are aligned with. In general, that empathetic quality is something most foreign affairs ministers should have or have had, but these days many of our governments are st



On Politics on Bob.

Politics are largely driven by power dynamics, the master-slave relationship, and the economic or political gains that result from war. It is said simply, that the politics of Planet Bob are those centered around theoretical global conflicts that could be created at any moment. Originally, these were created naturally through legitimate CB's as alliances tried to leverage political power over each other. In the Post-Karma era, it became increasingly less possible for alliances to make significan



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