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Entries in this blog

Invitation - Contest

I am hosting a contest to predict the results of the upcoming U.S. midterms elections. It's being hosted at the NSO forums, so you will have to sign up there. To participate: http://forums.newsithorder.info/index.php?topic=2189 Prizes* First place - $10 Amazon gift card + 6 million or 200 tech ingame Second place - $5 Amazon gift card + $6 million or 200 tech ingame Third place - $5 Amazon gift card *Only NSO+allied participants will receive the full prize. Non-NSO+allied participants who w



Stats ITB: 7

50-60k NS and 5-7k tech tiers added: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc Below is change per tier since 02/28. Note that HB/Hooligans were accidentally left off of the initial stats from 02/28 and so weren't counted toward the change at all.



Stats ITB: 6

NS as of 02/20, TECH as of 02/20, changeNS 02/20-02/28, changeTECH 02/20-02/28. Link to sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc



Stats ITB: 5

Apparently there was an error that caused lines 17 and 18 on the Equilibrium side not to be counted for the last spreadsheet. I'm not sure how long it had been there. I think it sprang up from me improperly changing the SUM formula after adding a blank row for new alliances. So I'm not including changeNS or changeTECH screenshots. Just posting to say that GDA and APP have been added to the live spreadsheet and all other alliances have been updated. Link as always: https://docs.google.com/spread



Stats ITB: 4

First two are from 02/04, last two are as of today with a line indicating changes by tier. Alchemy (who was accidentally left off) and UE added in the live version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc



Stats ITB: 3

First two are from 01/26, last two are as of today with a line indicating changes by tier. New alliances added on the live sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc



Stats ITB: 2

Update. Added COJ/CA/SNAFU/GRE, GATO, TLR, VE/GOONS, and OTR/TSO. Also, starting with the next update, I will track changes for the totals per category for each coalition. So, for example, any drop in 100-150k nations for each coalition. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc



Stats ITB: 1

The following is a link to a sheet that shows the NS and tech breakdown by alliances/groups of alliances in each coalition. I plan to update it semi-regularly. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc



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